Mary Last, CESMT-MMCP 561-644-4903
Welcome to "Hands On" Equine Services
It's all about the horse!
"A horse doesn't care how much you know, until he knows how much you care.
Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand"--Pat Parelli.
Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand"--Pat Parelli.

"Hands On" Equine Services was formed out of my life long love of horses, following that dream to have the ultimate partnership, and my desire to help horses in a non-invasive, therapeutic and understanding way. My journey began with the purchase of my then three and a half year old, "wanna be stallion", Treasure. His high play drive, sensitivity and demanding personality led me to natural horsemanship where I found the answers and partnership I was seeking. That process sparked my desire to learn more about helping horses and in becoming a Certified Equine Massage Therapist. I actively continue my journey seeking more knowledge and sharing my passion with others, as "it's all about the horse!".
Horses communicate through behavior and performance. Some signs of soreness can be refusing to take leads, tossing head, cinchy, lateral flexion better on one side than the other and refusing to perform as "usual". All of which can be the horses way of communicating something is wrong. Practicing Natural Horsemanship has helped me, both as a horse owner and equine therapist,
to further understand horse behavior and apply those principles ("less is more") when approaching and treating the horse. Bodywork helps with proper muscle conditioning aiding in a healthy musculoskeletal system.
The Last Approach.....Connect - Listen - Feel
Services offered include:
Education for ALL Horse Owners, Horse Care Staff, Equine Clubs, Organizations and Therapy Centers
Integrated Equine Bodywork Therapy is non-invasive, can be both calming and stimulating, aid in recovery as well as the prevention of injuries, promote healthy muscle function, improve range of motion and enhance performance in the healthy horse.
For optimum wellness and performance, Equine Bodywork should always accompany regular veterinary, dental and hoof care as well as balanced nutrition, training and properly fitted equipment. "Hands On" will not work on any horse in an acute stage of injury/disease (please see Requirements & FAQ's for other contradictions to Bodywork).
Horses communicate through behavior and performance. Some signs of soreness can be refusing to take leads, tossing head, cinchy, lateral flexion better on one side than the other and refusing to perform as "usual". All of which can be the horses way of communicating something is wrong. Practicing Natural Horsemanship has helped me, both as a horse owner and equine therapist,
to further understand horse behavior and apply those principles ("less is more") when approaching and treating the horse. Bodywork helps with proper muscle conditioning aiding in a healthy musculoskeletal system.
The Last Approach.....Connect - Listen - Feel
Services offered include:
- Equine Education - Equine Bodywork Therapy (EBT) Training and Certification
- Equine Education for Kids
- Integrated Equine Bodywork
- Horsemanship-Handling/Groundwork
- One-On-One Instruction
- Quality Horse Care
- Bookkeeping Services
Education for ALL Horse Owners, Horse Care Staff, Equine Clubs, Organizations and Therapy Centers
Integrated Equine Bodywork Therapy is non-invasive, can be both calming and stimulating, aid in recovery as well as the prevention of injuries, promote healthy muscle function, improve range of motion and enhance performance in the healthy horse.
For optimum wellness and performance, Equine Bodywork should always accompany regular veterinary, dental and hoof care as well as balanced nutrition, training and properly fitted equipment. "Hands On" will not work on any horse in an acute stage of injury/disease (please see Requirements & FAQ's for other contradictions to Bodywork).
Mission Statement:
To give back to the horse...."Hands On" one horse at a time.
Helping humans, help horses.
Serving the Ocala/Gainesville Area
To give back to the horse...."Hands On" one horse at a time.
Helping humans, help horses.
Serving the Ocala/Gainesville Area

"Hands On" Equine Services, Inc. is approved by the
International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/
Association of Canine Water Therapy
as an Approved Preferred Educational Provider, #22-44
"Hands On" Equine Services, Inc. is approved by the
International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/
Association of Canine Water Therapy
as an Approved Preferred Educational Provider, #22-44
Gift Certificates Available