Mary Last, CESMT-MMCP 561-644-4903
"Hands On" Equine Education
Teaching Fundamentals of Anatomy, Therapy and More!
Empowering YOU with new skills to support you and your horse.
Empowering YOU with new skills to support you and your horse.
The Last Approach.....Connect - Listen - Feel
Bodywork....The "missing piece" to your wellness and performance programs!
Bodywork....The "missing piece" to your wellness and performance programs!

"Hands On" Equine Services, Inc. is approved by the
International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/
Association of Canine Water Therapy
as an Approved Preferred Educational Provider, #22-44
"Hands On" Equine Bodywork Therapy (EBT) Training and Certification Program
EBT aims at treating the whole horse. It takes time and practice to be competent and confident.
This program is designed to start you off with a solid foundation on your journey of
helping the horse as a horse owner or professional.
Recommended for Intro to EBT
Required for EBT-1 and EBT-2
(Offered under Horsemanship)
No previous anatomy or bodywork required. Only heart and a desire to learn!
Age 16 and up. Handouts Included.
Small class size...personal attention...maximum "hands on" training
EBT aims at treating the whole horse. It takes time and practice to be competent and confident.
This program is designed to start you off with a solid foundation on your journey of
helping the horse as a horse owner or professional.
Recommended for Intro to EBT
Required for EBT-1 and EBT-2
(Offered under Horsemanship)
No previous anatomy or bodywork required. Only heart and a desire to learn!
Age 16 and up. Handouts Included.
Small class size...personal attention...maximum "hands on" training
Intro to EBT
Bodywork R&R.....Relax & Routine Maintenance - 5 hours - 4.5 CEUs**
For Horse Owners, Horse Care Staff, Clubs, Organizations and Therapy Centers
(included in Day 1 of EBT-1, Foundation)
Easy to learn routine includes gentle massage and other techniques to help relax and maintain your horse!
A great way to connect and do a body check all at once! The "start here" workshop.
$185.00 per person
Minimum of 3 (up to 6) participants.
Pre-registration and payment required due to limited space.
Host at your location option** - Minimum number of students may vary. Horses needed: 1 demo and 1 per student.
Partner-Up Option: Minimum of 6 (up to 10) participants. Horses: 1 demo and 1 per pair of students.
Certified Equine Bodywork Therapist (CEBT) Program Requirements.
Certification is not guaranteed. You must complete all requirements and testing to pass.
Students are responsible for knowing the laws in their state.
*Prerequisite - Horse handling experience
*Recommended Prerequisite (not required) - Basic anatomy
*Successful completion of EBT-1 and EBT-2
*Two treatment sessions (written with video or in person)
are required within 30 days of completing the EBT-2 course.
(60.5 total course CEUs**)
Recommended Continued Professional Development after CEBT:
Most insurance providers request a minimum of 100 hours of education.
Repeat EBT-2 within one (1) year for free (must pre-schedule) (30 Extern CEUs)
Attend EBT-3 - Intro to Stress Point Therapy/Sports Massage (15 CEUs)
Certification is not guaranteed. You must complete all requirements and testing to pass.
Students are responsible for knowing the laws in their state.
*Prerequisite - Horse handling experience
*Recommended Prerequisite (not required) - Basic anatomy
*Successful completion of EBT-1 and EBT-2
*Two treatment sessions (written with video or in person)
are required within 30 days of completing the EBT-2 course.
(60.5 total course CEUs**)
Recommended Continued Professional Development after CEBT:
Most insurance providers request a minimum of 100 hours of education.
Repeat EBT-2 within one (1) year for free (must pre-schedule) (30 Extern CEUs)
Attend EBT-3 - Intro to Stress Point Therapy/Sports Massage (15 CEUs)
Foundation Course - 3 Days - 22.5 CEUs**
Step one of the training and certification program and for those who want to learn more.
Includes skeletal and muscle review with diagrams.
Day 1 - R&R plus...Intro to Horse, Massage and 15 Bodywork Techniques
Day 2 - Treating the Whole Horse...20+ New Bodywork Techniques
Day 3 - Hands On Practice and Skill Assessment
$895.00 per person
Limited to 3 participants.
Pre-registration and payment required to secure a space.
Recommended - Horse Anatomy, A Coloring Atlas by Robert A Kainer and Thomas O McCracken
Host at your location option** - Horses needed: 1 demo and 1 per student.
Foundation Course - 3 Days - 22.5 CEUs**
Step one of the training and certification program and for those who want to learn more.
Includes skeletal and muscle review with diagrams.
Day 1 - R&R plus...Intro to Horse, Massage and 15 Bodywork Techniques
Day 2 - Treating the Whole Horse...20+ New Bodywork Techniques
Day 3 - Hands On Practice and Skill Assessment
$895.00 per person
Limited to 3 participants.
Pre-registration and payment required to secure a space.
Recommended - Horse Anatomy, A Coloring Atlas by Robert A Kainer and Thomas O McCracken
Host at your location option** - Horses needed: 1 demo and 1 per student.
Advanced Course - 4 Days - 30 CEUs**
The "Digging Deeper" Course!
Step two of the training and certification program.
For those wanting to become a professional in the equine industry.
Includes diagrams and treating scar tissue.
Day 1 - EBT-1 Review and New Techniques, Part 1
Day 2 - EBT-1 Review and New Massage and Bodywork Techniques, Part 2
Day 3 - Observations, Palpations/Evaluations
Day 4 - Hands On Practice, Skill Assessment and Exam
Must complete the EBT-1, Foundation Course to attend.
$1,250.00 per person
Limited to 3 participants.
Pre-registration and payment required to secure a space.
Host at your location option** - Horses needed: 1 demo and 1 per student.
Intro to Stress Point Therapy - 2 Days - 15 CEUs**
Learn to locate, palpate and treat stress points using sports massage techniques.
Day 1 - Foundational Anatomy/Techniques
Day 2 - Stress Point Therapy
Recommended as a follow-up to EBT-1 and EBT-2
$595.00 per person
Minimum of 4 (up to 6) participants.
Pre-registration and payment required due to limited space.
Host at your location option** - Horses needed: 1 demo and 1 per student.
How to Register:
EBT Courses and Workshops have a registration deadline date. Refer to upcoming schedule.
Please go the "Contact/Register" tab to complete the Registration Form
and see Payment/Deposit Requirement under the "About/FAQ's/Payment" tab.
Please contact Mary Last if you have any questions.
HOST an Intro to EBT Training Course!
Offered to Horse Owners, Horse Care Staff, Equine Clubs, Organizations and Therapy Centers.
Serving the Gainesville/Ocala area.
Contact Mary for more details and/or hosting requirements outside service area.
Offered to Horse Owners, Horse Care Staff, Equine Clubs, Organizations and Therapy Centers.
Serving the Gainesville/Ocala area.
Contact Mary for more details and/or hosting requirements outside service area.
Host Information
Horses provided by the host and/or student. Host determined. No rope halters please.
Venue: Stalls, large arena, corral/round pen or feed pens.
(Stalls or covered arena preferred due to weather.)
Available water source for horses, a non horse pre/post meeting and lunch area.
Contact Mary for additional Host Information.
Serving the Gainesville/Ocala area. Please contact Mary for hosting outside service area.
Please see Payment/Deposit Requirement under the About/FAQ's/Payment tab.
**Refer to FAQ's tab for CEU information.
Horses provided by the host and/or student. Host determined. No rope halters please.
Venue: Stalls, large arena, corral/round pen or feed pens.
(Stalls or covered arena preferred due to weather.)
Available water source for horses, a non horse pre/post meeting and lunch area.
Contact Mary for additional Host Information.
Serving the Gainesville/Ocala area. Please contact Mary for hosting outside service area.
Please see Payment/Deposit Requirement under the About/FAQ's/Payment tab.
**Refer to FAQ's tab for CEU information.